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  1. G

    Kyle Hayes - a good GAA man?

    Your view is arrant nonsense. If you have anything other than inchoate musings on the subject please feel free.Otherwise desist.
  2. G

    Kyle Hayes - a good GAA man?

    Look out there's a shinner about.
  3. G

    Kyle Hayes - a good GAA man?

    Stop talking thru your hole.
  4. G


    You'll love it.
  5. G

    The Official PROC Restaurant review thread.

    Sounds great and if your only gripe was portions too big then you had no gripe at all. Must check it out.Thanks.
  6. G

    The next Government

    Sure according to the above everything is working grand.
  7. G

    The next Government

    Before you anyway 😉
  8. G

    The next Government

    No.But as I've tried explaining nonsensical solutions are worse than useless.
  9. G

    The next Government

    Denigrate perhaps? Adult literacy 🫣
  10. G

    The next Government

    A border in Ireland and a border down the Irish Sea. How come no one thought of this before!!!!
  11. G

    Jesus lads, 'tis looking like BREXIT!

    Too cowardly. But hopefully strategic cowardice. 🤔
  12. G

    The next Government

  13. G

    The next Government

    No. Don't engage in spurious populist semantics for the sole purpose of garnering political advantage. That's what peadar and his acolytes are doing.
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    The next Government

    I'm not running for parliament but if I was in would not be engaging in simplistic nonsense like land border in Ireland (cf GFA) or Boris Johnson style border down the Irish Sea.
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    The next Government

    No need to get sarky just because I pointed out the policies that you subscribe to.
  16. G

    The next Government

    so is that great republican peadar.
  17. G

    The next Government

    It'd be great if Aontú could get integration portfolio. That'd be iimmigration and housing solved 😉
  18. G

    THe Conor Mcgregor thread

    Don't be mean ,thready.
  19. G

    THe Conor Mcgregor thread

    Yeah I'm the tortoise and you're the hare😉