Search results

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    Matthew McConaughey..... weight loss

    Can't be great for your body to be doing this? He looks really ill to me, is a movie worth that??? (apologies if it's already been done, I'm not on here a lot)
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    The PRoC Lovely Boy 2012 Thread

    In the interest of fairness and equality, nominations here Girls and Boys (if you so wish) :p
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    Too Old to be breast fed?

    I was reading an article in the magazine free with the examiner today, about breast feeding, There was kids as old as 4 photographed breast feeding, how old do you think is too old? 2 is considered too old for a bottle or a soother. Your thoughts?
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    The Human Body Exhibition in Dublin

    Anyone been ? thinking of going .
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    The Perse is a Legend thread

    Well I think he is , I've often being at work , snowed under and a bit cranky, and I'd read some of his stuff on the Proc or FB (latest being that child's pic yesterday , sorry Mattie it was hilarious ) lost count of how many times I've spat my tea out , or laughed out loud forgetting I was at...
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    Following on from the weapon thread

    Do you think you'd have the nerve to use a weapon on someone if they came into your house ? It freaks me out at the thought of it , but saying that knowing my child was in the house the burglar would reap the rewards of my anger and fear I'd say , hopefully I'll never find out . So do you...
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    FAO Deef

    I had a really nice coffee there awhile ago hehe Did you fix the MAAAACHINE :vamp:
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    What Do You Want For Christmas ?

    I know it's a bit early yet , post up a few ideas :?
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    The Nightmare Realm Anyone gonna give it a go ? think i'd be too much of a wimp , it's down on Albert Quay i think :P
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    Phobias / Fears

    My small boy has a phobia of the dentist , he never had a bad experience at one , but the total fear when he get's in there is unreal , he shakes , and freezes up , hard to look at , and I'm trying to get him over it , This is just for fisher seals and check ups nothing major like , but the...
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    NWB and Sunners

    The sexual Tension guys is a bit much , let's Trash it out here once and for all , I haven't read all the threads , but the way i see it , NWB wants a massage *winky smile* from Sunners , she's acting all Coy , They both need a bit of a push , so suggestions are welcome here :D Sorry Aphex...
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    Fish Pedicure

    Anyone get one done ? I'm a bit sketchy about it , my sister is mad to try it , dunno would it freak me out a bit .
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    Aunty Nellie's sweet shop

    Forgive me if a thread has being done already , but this shop is unreal , start of Northmain street , anyone been in ? I could go into sugar coma there hehe I'm going back lol
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    Ice lolly of Choice

    Seeing as it's warm like................ Choc ice for me nom nom nom
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    Are you a good Cook ?

    How do you rate yourself in the cooking skills ? Out of 10 , i'd say i'm a 6 maybe , i'm ok , not great , but i'm ok , And is it important to you ? do you make the old effort and try new things ?
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    Anyone see it ? would you think it's suitable to under 10's ? I looked at the trailer and it looks ok , just a bit of a fight scene .
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    Verona Italy

    Have you been ? Any info you can pass on would be helpful....thinking of going for a week or so .
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    James Cracknell - Coldest race on earth

    Really good ,on discovery , this is the third one of the shows , last week he was racing across america , and got knocked down , this week it's cycling , the man is hard core , insane , but hardcore .
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    Faking it....

    Not in the way ye think now people , But , nails , tan , padded bras , extentions , eye lashes , colour contacts , Do ye do it ladies ? Or Gents :p I've never wore false tan (i'm lucky to have dark skin ) i like my own nails , I am guilty of the lashes (only rarely) and hair and maybe the...
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    Earth Hour

    8:30 tonight , lights are being turned off for an hour , Are you participating , think i will if only for the sheer calmness of it , lights out and nice candles for me , Anyone else ?