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  1. E


    I saw a garda van go through a red this morning on Townsend st. Gas stuff altogether.
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  3. E


    Most of teh helmet camera brigade are assholes, not going to disagree with you there. But, as I've said consistently over the years on this, you can't tar all cyclists with teh same brush, in the same way you can't tar all motorists. There are just good road users and bad road users.
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    Almost all of the worst cyclists I see in Dublin are on Dublin Bikes.
  5. E


    A devastating pwn
  6. E


    Absolutely, as a chunk of metal driver AND a cyclist, I'm always wary of all road users around me.
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    Exactly, ffs SoundMan, you can't compare the two at all. And I'm not condoning anyone breaking a red light, but its not the same thing at all.
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    Of course there is, but that doesn't make it right for anyone to break a red light. Especially a car accelerating through a busy junction at rush hour.
  9. E


    YEp, its definitely getting worse, and the last week or so in particular with the schools back its been really bad. Very sad however it happened, you need to be really careful out there.
  10. E


    Hi Spanky!
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    It really is fantastic.
  12. E

    Was Padraig Pearse a Nonce?

    This poem suggests he was..... LITTLE LAD OF THE TRICKS by Padraig Pearse. Little lad of the tricks, Full well I know That you have been in mischief: Confess your fault truly. I forgive you, child Of the soft red mouth: I will not condemn anyone For a sin not understood. Raise your comely...
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    Some operator!
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    UFC is a load of shit

    literally EFDGWxEdf6Q
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    Dating show contestant pwned

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    Which Proccer is this?
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    Banter Banned!

    Is this just banter from Jose?
  19. E


    Ultimate self-pwn, the groan of pain at the end is priceless
  20. E


    Fixed that for you. I've said it plenty of times on here before, there are just good and bad road users, no group is completely innocent and no group is completely guilty. I was cycling down the quays the other day and a cyclist tore through a red light at capel st bridge, both myself and the...