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    SIRA Arrests in Cork?

    So a bunch of people in Cork arrested this morning in connection with the surreal IRA. Anyone witness the raids? Was Jim Corr involved? What role had Carthaginan foreign policy to play?
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    Dublin blows up.. Cork "helping gardaí with their enquiries..."
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    Pronouncements from the Crazies..

    When all this mess settles down it will be nice to have a record of all the crazy ass shit we are currently hearing in a single place so we can reflect on our collective insanity. Post your crazy tales here.. This is a plot by the new world order.. They are going to create a good euro and a...
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    The Bigger Picture

    So Irish people borrowed recklessly, and are being punished by negative equity and mortgage defaults etc. Irish banks lent recklessly in greedy pursuit of profit, and are being punished by the markets with the tab being picked up by the Irish taxpayer. International banks and funds lent...
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    Surge in Irish Genius Count

    National Misanthropic are reporting a huge surge in the amount of geniuses in Ireland. Though experts disagree as to the cause of such growth, there appears to be consensus that the current economic difficulties have something to do with it. Analysis of bar tops in common genius watering holes...
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    The Death of the Multiplier.

    So the multiplier effect: I spend fifty in two shops - shop spends 25 on stock and 25 on wages for a clerk, who buys the groceries for 12.50 and a couple of pints with the rest. Barman spends 6.50 on new stock...the money go round kicks in and the economy functions. In Ireland, I spend fifty...
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    Peter and the Minx

    Once upon a time...
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    Threat Level moves from Moderate to Tory

    Chickens laying eggs in Anglo Irish relations.
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    Third Senior Iranian Diplomat Resigns. Green movement is far from over.
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    That Bodega ad..

    Heading down-market I see..
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    Tonight, and every night, on TV

    Rose of Tralee Family Guy 1 Family Guy 2 - the Feds Black Family Guy Big Brother Big Brother Big Brother X Factor X Factor Britain's Got Talent at Dancing and other Shit SATC repeats Everybody Loves Some Gimp who's the King of Some Kip 2.5 Gheyers repeats At Least You're Better Than Them: Random...
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    Liam gets his own talk show.

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    Things Estate Agents Would Say

    We're seeing a big upturn in houses like this going "sale agreed".
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    Tubridy: Lackey

    What an utter lord haw haw, gimpish puppet of a cunt. Always thought he was an idiot, now I think he's a dangerous little FF propagandist. Declare your interests you pathetic string of piss. Fuck you and your FF ilk trying to hoodwink the country into...
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    Iran: As the protests continue.

    And continue they do... This disturbing interview has been leaked by the opposition movement. I can't possibly verify it, but the source that pointed the way to the link is pretty strong. The guy being interviewed is a hardliner and a senior adviser to Ahmedinejad...
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    Ireland's Internet Industry Good news on the economic front. The headline refers to Dublin but much of the article is about Cork. Eight years ago there were journalists on the radio joking (yes, laughing with...
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    A legend passes.. Party is over for Shaun.
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    Georgian off his mind.

    Mikheil Saakashvili: batshit crazy. TV hoax causes panic in Georgia Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili "staged" a fictitious television news report about a Russian invasion that sparked panic in the Black Sea country...
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    Bedwarmer: Iris Robinson.

    This is a bit meh, but halfway through on this the credits start (you can scroll to it). The credits are part of the joke, in the middle of these something caught my eye, the credit for bedwarming is given to Iris Robinson.
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    Secret Ruler of the Planet dies.

    Mytron The Fifth, Illuminati Ruler And Secret Overlord Of All Humanity, Dead At 112 March 9, 2010 | 2,000 MILES BENEATH BAVARIA, GERMANY—Mytron the Fifth, Illuminati ruler and secret mastermind of the entire human race since the year 8449 on the world's true calendar, died yesterday in his...