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  1. E

    The official Cork court report thread.

    Why do you hate Samantha Mumba Frispy?
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    Elon Musk buys Twitter

    There is a legitimate coalition of short traders who believe Tesla us a fraudulent company and it should be delisted. The Q has nothing to do with QAnon or anything like that it's appended to any company that go'sbankrupt.They're very organised and tell a...
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    The official Cork court report thread.

    "he wrote a song for her" Boys oh Boys.
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    Athletes with funny names

    This fella is a Pakistani high hurdler (although I could have sworn he was an 800m guy) I reckon he had a tough couple of years back in the late naughties
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    Ostrava Indoor Gala from 16:00 Irish time. Low key enough. Jodie McCann up against Innes Fitzgerald in the 3000m at 16:14 Torrie Lewis the Cork City Sports 100 and 200m champ taking on Eva Swaboda over 60m...
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    Interview with Coscoran by LRC, Audio for the first 2 mins is basically rubbish. He conforms he's joined NB Manchester so coached by Helen Clitheroe who did great work with Ciara Mageean. James West and Hannah Nutall are the most prominent athletes in that group and both are 5k specialists...
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    The Official Irish Rugby Thread

    His Ceiling is Higher
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    what book you reading at the moment? (incl poll)

    Just Finished "The Heart in Winter"by Kevin Barry I had been meaning to chance one of his his a while, you'd often hear him on radio 1 and the like, but this was my first of his. It didn't disappoint. It's a Western set in Montana. All the main protagonists are from mining villages around the...
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    Missed the Glasgow invitational results from yesterday but Sharlene Mawdesley got the Euro indoor Qualifying standard with 51.69, Great start for her
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    That's right he won Zatopek 10,000m in 27:5something last year. I'd imagine this was just overdistance. I think he's running the mile next week at Millrose. Chris Temple said he had changed coaching set ups? Anyone know anything about that? He still has DTC on his social unless he's gone to...
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    On day for Sarah Healy, 8:35 NR, not sure what the qualifying standard is. Did well she was stuck behind Emma Coburn when the break happened and was stuck in no man's land..Brought it up herself to kick passed Georgie Bell for 4th..Good evenings work Edit: 8:33 she missed it by 2 secs Melissa...
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    The Official Irish Rugby Thread

    They just didn't have the balls to drop him despite shit enough form
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    Super performance from Coscoran. World standard, NR, 10s PB and all scalped some serious operators Brilliant
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    Where in Cork am I?

    You'd have nailed any shot of the Western star or the old bar I'm sure (Floor for sale etc etc.)
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    Where in Cork am I?

    UCC just in from the front Gate
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    The Official Athletics Thread

    Stream for New Balance here Just started now. Whiteman a scratch. Balls
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    Staton Island Chuck begs to differ. Early spring and an 85% Hit rate
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    The MIA PRoCcer thread.

    we've the AGM over in the Harp tomorrow if you're about. You can bring the scampi fries
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    The unpopular opinion thread.

    I would much rather the #teamofus Lost to England than to Wales Those cunts are worse than the Nazis
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    The Official Irish Rugby Thread

    Fuck that some of my fondest rugby supporting memories was being blindly outraged that David Humphries was ever picked ahead if ROG. Didn't matter how good he was ROG was better. Same is True now of Prendergast and Crowley. Pick your player like. Also we were right then and we're right now.