Search results

  1. G

    Muhammad Ali About To Go BANG??? :(
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    Jackie Healy Rea About To Bang? :(
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    Woman Rapes Man Why doesn't that happen to me? :(
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    Man Wanks Himself To Death :( :crazyeye:
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    Paisley Goes Bang.

    Just heard on the news.
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    James Garner Pegs It. RIP. :(
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    Ladies Day at Ascot. ever. :rolleyes:
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    ...........or Cyallis. Anyone know where I can get some.........under the counter, like...............for a friend. :cool:
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    Will Women Ever Learn? Aintree. Here we go again. Should call it DOG racing. Absolutely no style. :puppydog:
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    This Cheered Me Up.

    :D There are still beautiful things in this world. :cool:
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    Ping Golf Clubs For Sale.

    Complete set of Ping golf clubs and bag for sale. 250 euro.
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    Avasti......... know. The old security thing. Served me well for the last 6 years, no problem. In fact, it did get rid of a lot of malware, or whatever you call it. All my computers and what ever, all have a clean bill of health. 'Twas free. Now Chrome, whoever the fuck they are, are trying...
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    My Scrolling Bar......... gone all funny. When I try to use it, it goes black and jumps from the top of the page to the bottom. Driving me crazy. Anyone know what I can do to fix it? :confused:
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    Is This A Wind Up? :shock:
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    Coming Out......To Joe.

    All this week. Is there no end to it? Guys from all over the world coming out to Joe Duffy. Sick of it now. Seems they're around every corner. :(
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    Mandela'S Will.

    Two and a half million. Left it to charities and universities. :D
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    Telling Ya Boy. I said it before. I'll say it again. Fucking k******s. :mad:
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    Flately's Horn.

    George Lee just asked some guy on the radio there "Where do you think Flately's horn is right now?" I said to myself "I've a fair idea........the one he's married to." :silly:
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    Is There Nothing Sacred? :rolleyes:
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    35 euro Doctor in Douglas.

    Someone mentioned that a new surgery opened in St. Patrick Mills. 35 euro a go. Any one here know their opening times or phone number? Can't find anything on google. Thanks in advance.