PRC Training Camp, Yukon Canada

PRC Training Camp: Yukon Territory, CanadaAs discreet as an IRA "peace envoy" in Columbia a special forces PRC training camp took place in the deep wilderness of Canada last weekend. Journeying through treacherous rural back passages and up snow filled boreens battalion leader Corporal John Lynch lead several special agents from Cork to the mountainous terrain of Yukon in North West Canada.

Camping alongside a frozen lake with our huskies somewhere in the Yukon. Gaetan Touissant (Yukon ambassador to PRC) , Len Gantly, Adam Brothers, Corporal John Lynch, Gregor Chrystal, Brian Ryan

Activities included screaming 'langer' and 'Eeeeevenin' Echooooo' into enormous valleys and testing the response rates and avalanche reaction times. Lessons in 'bushing' were also provided to locals - the Cork practice of gatting outdoors at the displeasure of the authorities.

While temperatures plummeted to -12.2 NMs* the boys battled to bring the message of independence to local revolutionaries who have guaranteed assistance when the Cork revolution takes place. Admittedly they only agreed to put messages of support in the forum but it's a good start.

Skidoo to the summit of a mountain somewhere else in the Yukon. Corporal John Lynch, Len Gantly, Brian Ryan

Comparing the bears to fighting wild Kerrymen, Corporal Lynch stated "while generally over weight and with rural backgrounds these fat sluggish animals should pose no threat when we close the borders with the rest of Ireland. Seeing these bears move so slow you can understand why hurling never took off in Kerry."Another experienced Cork hardman on the trip, selected for his [powerful giant like features, described the tag team of grizzly and black bears he encountered on a nightly basis attempting to rob his food as "slapless".

Brian Ryan, Len Gantly on the 60th parallel between the Yukon and British Columbia. Some laugh.

Peoples Republic of Cork h-Ard Comhairle congratulates the batallion on an extremely worthwhile training exercise. If you have brought the message of independence to another country please email with your pictures. Here's some interesting safety tips should you ever encounter a bear in Yukon.

* North Main Street. The Cork unit of 'petrification' which guarantees acute hypothermia.
